Almost two thousand years ago, the Apostle Peter wrote, “The end of all things is at hand…” [See I Peter 4:7] If the Holy Spirit moved him then to say the end was close, by now we must surely be very close. Of course, what we all want to know with certainty is just how close are we? We want a date! Or at least a range of times that we can use as a gauge. But God chose not to give us those kinds of specifics.

The Bible teaches that the end will take the world’s peoples by utter surprise but not the disciples of Jesus. [I Thessalonians 5:4] The Lord’s listening children will know the season of His coming! His Church will not be caught by total surprise when He returns. [I Thessalonians 5:4] We know His voice, and He gives us key indicators to look for as we look for the end of this age.

In both Matthew 24 and Luke 21, Jesus gives us two groupings of signs to watch: continual signs and climatic signs. Continual signs are those that will continue to increase in intensity the closer we get to the very end: wars, racial issues, natural disasters, diseases, cultural upheaval, and persecution for true Christians. Climatic signs include phenomena in heaven’s: blood moons, comets, stars, etc. In the last decade, we’ve increasingly caught a glimpse of these heavenly signs, but as we get closer to the end, the signs will be breathtaking. Jesus said, “…there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” [Luke 21:11]

We are indeed living in prophetic times and inundated with a plethora of prophetic voices. These voices often carry seemingly opposing messages. With so many and such various messages, how are we to respond? Let me give you a few principles that will help you navigate the voices and, more importantly, the times.


First, we must refuse to let the signs of the times distract us! Signs point to something! They are never intended to be the end. While some are skeptical of the signs and dismiss their importance, many in the Church approach the signs with a sensationalism that cheapens them. As Dr. Jack Hayford said, “There are people that are so fascinated with the signs of the time that they fail to take heed to what the signs are intended to show us…” The signs are given to show that His coming is near and to also awaken us to how we should live between now and His coming!

Those who become pre-occupied with the signs of His coming fail to be occupied with the assignment to stay engaged with His business until He comes! The Church’s calling is to occupy up until He returns. We must refuse to check out until He checks us out. Don’t vacate the premises until He comes for us! Take your place until He takes you!


Secondly, we must resist the spirit of fear! As we grow closer to the end and the signs become increasingly evident, many will give in to fear. And some should be afraid – very afraid. But not God’s children. Jesus said, “But when you hear of wars and commotions, do not be terrified; for these things must come to pass first, but the end will not come immediately.” [Luke 21:9]

Whatever is coming on the earth, the Lord will keep those who trust in Him. Never forget, “…God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” [2 Timothy 1:7] The spirit of fear is not from Abba. We are taught to fear God but not the Anti-Christ, false prophet, the coming persecution, or any of the earth’s troubles! The Lord has promised to be with us through whatever we face. “…For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” So we may boldly say: “The LORD is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?” [Hebrews 13:5-6] Say it with me, “I will not fear!”


Thirdly, don’t forget that you are redeemed. God has purchased you as His very own. He paid the highest price! The Lord isn’t going to lose you. He isn’t going to allow the enemy to do just anything to you. I love Zechariah 2:8 “For thus says the LORD of hosts:…he who touches you touches the apple of His eye.” You are the apple of Papa’s eye, and He will not put up with the enemy poking you for long!

When we live in the reality of being the redeemed of the Lord, we can approach the happenings of the Last Days with confidence. Jesus said in Luke 21:28, “Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.” It isn’t time to hang our heads down in fear or sorrow. No! It’s time to stand up and lift our gaze because our full salvation is near. I love the way William Wuest translated this verse, “Now, when these things are beginning to take place, be elated and lift up your heads, because your deliverance is imminent.”

My prayer is that we will live joyously in the days between now and the Lord’s coming! The witness of true believers in this dark, depressed, angry generation will be bright, joyful, peace, and love.

I was privileged to receive Rick Renee’s latest book early for a review, and it is powerful! I want you to have a copy of it because I believe it speaks to the days we live! It is what I call a living commentary! A commentary because it is a verse by verse exposition of a passage in Scripture. I call it a living commentary because it isn’t dry and academic but practical and full of Holy Spirit revelation!

For your gift this month of $30 or more, I want to send you this hefty volume. [It is a substantial book – but the print is large and easy to read.] I believe this is a book you need to add to your library for these days! You’ll be greatly enriched!

And your gift will help us move the vision forward! THANK YOU for being as generous as possible right now! We need your help, and with your help, we’ll see the next step become a reality!