Dear Worshipper,

Thrilled! Pumped! Thankful! It’s here! The Lift Worship’s first album is available! The wise writer of Proverbs penned these words, “When the desire comes, it is a tree of life.” [Proverbs 13:12] This project is a dream come true for all of us here at The Lift Church, Keith Nix Ministries, and Tribe Youth. We are excited and thankful for the opportunity to be a regular part of worshippers’ lives around the world!

While this first project isn’t perfect, it is anointed to bring you again and again into the Presence of the perfect One!  We pray our reach for excellence will impact you. We hope you will appreciate the incredible talent of the team and recognize the spirit of innovation on the album. But our primary desire is to facilitate the spirit of worship and prayer in your life.

This project comes out of our desire to bring glory to God and good to the lives of many in our generation. Blessings as you listen and help us get the word out to others so they can enjoy it also!

Yours for His Presence,

Pastors Keith and Margie Nix