Toxic Masculinity?

In the twenty-first century, a true man is a rare breed! Masculinity is under fire in our society! Some in society seem to extol the King Kong view of manliness. You know, the Neanderthal, cave-dwelling, chest beating insensitive guy who is a dictator of his home, school and work environment.  Sadly, some guys never grow beyond their small self and do indeed act small and stupidly. But this doesn’t mean that masculinity is the problem.

Some blame masculinity for every bad acting man on the planet. They think the only acceptable masculinity is femininity. In other words, the only men they want is one who thinks like a woman.  Do they want to know why boys can’t be more like girls?  The recent viral #GilletteAd is a good example of this trend. It is a good thing that the ad calls out some of the negative behaviors men may exhibit but it comes to the wrong conclusion; that the root of the problem is masculinity. True masculinity doesn’t foster violence toward women or children, it motivates a man to protect not harm.

The question isn’t, “Why can’t men be more like women?” The real question is, “Will the real men please stand up?” Men who don’t mimic King Kong but seek to portray King Jesus in their every relationship. Men who are not bound in the smallness of “either/or” living but know the freedom of “both/and.”

Forge 2019

Men who are both velvet and steel. Who are strong and sensitive, fun and serious, worshippers and warriors. True followers of Christ who know what it means to love their wives as Christ loves the Church and give themselves for and to those they love. These are men of confidence and humility. Men of unbending integrity and flexibility!

Men of this caliber are not born but made. Our FORGE men’s conference is a powerful tool to help form men into the men of God needed in this generation! Almost a decade ago, we kicked off these Forge gatherings and I believe 2019 is going to be our most significant gathering to date!

MEN, DON’T MISS IT!  Do whatever you must to get to Sevierville, TN on March 8 -9!  These few hours together are going to refresh, encourage and strengthen you in every relationship. There is something amazing that happens when brothers come together to pray, worship, dance, laugh, cry, eat, shoot guns and learn together!  I believe we are each going to leave walking in the masculinity of Jesus Christ – the greatest who ever lived!