Prayer Not Politics

We gathered for our weekly prayer meeting at The Lift, with a greater sense of urgency than usual. We always approach our weekly times of corporate prayer with seriousness and expectation but this night was amped up! Our gathering on Monday, November 7 at 7:14 to seek the Lord coincided with our National elections and we prayed especially for God to prevail in the election process.

We weren’t present to discuss politics, parties or personal preference. Each person had, no doubt, already prayerfully decided on how to cast their vote the next day. Our focus in prayer on this particular night was merely for God’s kingdom to come and His will to be done. Everyone sensed the importance of the moment. Two flawed candidates were vying for the highest office of our nation with two vastly different platforms. We gathered to do our part in prayer and the next day in voting.  But, whatever the outcome our trust would remain firmly settled in the Lord!

You are well aware of the contention that preceded the election and sadly continues today. Some love and adore President Trump while to others this President can do nothing right. Our country appears to be more divided than ever with an alarming increase in vitriolic anger aimed primarily at those who hold conservative views of marriage, constitutional rule, and the sanctity of human life in the womb. As some are noting, neither the elephant or the donkey hold the answers, we must turn to the Lamb who is the Lion!

The Word of the Lord

During prayer, I heard the Lord say: “Mark it down, mark it down, that this will be a beginning; a new season. A door is opening. A door is opening. A door is opening for an outpouring; a fresh move of My Spirit says the Lord. For even as My people are gathering on the eve of this election, I will use it to begin to open. The door shall open, yes, it is even now opening, and there shall be an outpouring.

But I call upon you, My people, to be sensitive. Be sensitive not to relax, to not lean back and say, “Oh, now we have won. Now it is done.” But lean in, lean in and press, pray and believe. Do not be satisfied with a trickle. Do not be satisfied. Do not become satisfied with a decent flow but press, press, press, for My presence, My glory! Press until My waters are flowing freely, freely, freely to bring healing and to bring men and women to a place of restoration and deliverance. So there opens a new door and a fresh moving of the Spirit of God even now, even now. Mark it. Mark it. Even now.” 

The focus of the word isn’t on who would be elected but on the fulfillment of God’s purposes and our part in prayer. At the 2016 election, a door opened for the Kingdom of God in the earth. A door opened for revival; an entry for awakening swung open.  God granted a reprieve. He caused there to be breaking in the plans of the enemy and a freeing of God’s people. We are living in the days of awakening! But the Church must not rest on advances made. We must press until the waters of healing are flowing like a mighty river through the streets of our cities and the fields of our countryside.

President Trump

We must pray and keep on praying for our President. There exists a connection between Donald Trump and the opening door for revival. I believe God is working in him, and through him to accomplish Heaven’s purpose. Indeed, President Trump is a flawed man with a colorful past. But who among us is perfect? He claims a newfound commitment to faith in Christ and intentionally surrounds himself with Christian leaders. He unabashedly asks for prayer and Scriptural counsel. Shouldn’t you and I also pray for him? President Trump is not the Church’s savior, yet he proves himself again and again to be a friend to Israel and the Church.

The followers of Christ must honor our leaders and pray for them. “Therefore I exhort first of all that you make supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings for everyone, 2 for kings and for all who are in authority..” [2 Timothy 2:1-2]  So the Word teaches it and our times demand that Christians pray more for our President, his family and all of our leaders. Do you remember another time when witches openly gather to curse the President and a Supreme Court justice?

Press On!

The enemy is not happy about the door that opened in the realm of the spirit, and he desires to keep it from swinging all the way open. He will do anything possible to deceive, deflect and discourage praying Christians.  But the Spirit of the Sovereign God is upon us to see the promised awakening before the return of our Lord Jesus Christ!

We must refuse the drug of satisfaction! There is more, so much more, that Abba wants to release. We are His partners in the earth. Prayer is given to us as a Kingdom privilege with Kingdom power. In prayer, we press until the trickle of glory becomes a flood of grace taking out the enemies’ blockades and releasing a great harvest. Press until His healing waters are flowing freely through our nation and our world.