Year’s ago I experienced a vision during a service in Cleveland, Tennessee that forever changed me. While we were singing and praising the Lord, a man suddenly appeared in my line of vision. I only saw him from the back but I instinctively knew his identity. On his knees with his back straight and his head held high, he lifted both hands in a dramatic posture of surrendered worship. I heard the Lord say one word to me, “Passion.”  It was King David. His key to success, my key to success and your key is passion.

Remember when David brought the Ark into Zion? He worshipped by dancing before Ark with “all his might.” His wife, Michal, saw it and was disgusted with his emotional and undignified display. But David responded by simply saying, “I will be even more undignified than this, and will be humble in my own sight.” The story ends with a sad but significant note that “And Saul’s daughter Michal had no child to the day of her death.” [See 2 Samuel 6:14-23 NKJV, HCSB]

Both David and Michal experienced great pain in their lives personally. But they made very different choices in dealing with the hurts of life. One chose to focus on the pain with calculated coolness while the other chose to focus on the promise with unhindered passion.

How about you? Will you choose the cool dignified approach that Michal took? Will your pain and disappointment produce bitterness that turns you cold and leaves you barren all your life? Or will you choose the path of passionate radical worship like David that enables you to leave a legacy in spite of your past?

The question boils down to this:  “Who will you take more seriously, yourself or God?”

Take the time to join me in this pursuit as I teach on the big time cost of being too cool! Watch the video link below and share it with others.