Twenty-seventeen is an incredible and pivotal year. We will be celebrating the 20th year anniversary of leading youth camp. It is hard to believe that nearly two decades have passed, but indeed time waits on none of us! The past 19 years are in the history books. Great memories! Great moves of God! Great friendships! Thousands of young men and women influenced and impacted. Margie and I are humbled and awed by the testimonies of how camp has changed so many hearts and lives. A significant number of those who have attended are now married and have children of their own.

Wow! Little did I imagine in 1997 that I would still be leading this annual gathering of young believers in 2017, but I am honored to do so. As we kick off the third decade, we do so with renewed vision and vigor. We are thankful for our past partners [associations, churches, and individuals] who have helped us do God’s will up to this point. And we are overflowing with words of appreciation for those who are still with us after all these years and new friends with whom the Lord is connecting us now!

The need for a camp like ours is greater now than at any other time in our history. We cannot, and we will not pull away from the need to reach this generation with the truth and the power of Jesus Christ! Camp and conferences aren’t just something we want to do; these God-ordained events are something we must do! God has assembled around us a fantastic team of both seasoned leaders and gifted upcoming leader to eternally influence and impact this generation. I stand in awe.

[bctt tweet=” Youth camp and conferences aren’t just something we want to do; we must do them!” username=”@KeithNix”]

This is our season to UPGRADE! As we move into our third decade, we celebrate what was and anticipate greater to come. This new season demands a new name! Youth Ablaze speaks of what the Lord accomplished these past 19 years: THE JOSIAH TRIBE speaks of fresh fire, fresh glory and a fresh passion for God, revealed now and in the years to come. Yes, this is the time for the Josiah Generation’s to rise up.!

[bctt tweet=” This new season demands a new name! Tribe speaks of the glory revealed…” username=”@KeithNix”]

So why Tribe? Acts 4 records the story of two early leaders in the church who were threatened by the religious officials to never preach again in the Name of Jesus. After the attempt of intimidation, the disciples returned to their “own.” Translators differ on the word they use to follow “own” as recorded in Acts 4:23. Some chose “company,” others chose “companions,” still others chose “friends.” From my study, I believe it could best be translated, tribe. They returned to their tribe.

This JOSIAH TRIBE is a company, a group of people, who may not all be of the same race, but we all value relationship. We are made up of males and females, but we all worship the same and only true God. We may not be persuaded about the same styles, but we all share the same purpose. We are not all of the same denomination, but we all share the same desire and destiny. We are THE JOSIAH TRIBE – chosen by God to lead a great awakening in our generation. We are not satisfied with the status quo in the world or the church. We are called to be reformers, restorers, and revivalists. We are raising up the 21st-century JESUS TRIBE!
[bctt tweet=”We are the Josiah Tribe – chosen by God to lead a great awakening in our generation. ” username=”@KeithNix”]

In the previous 19 years of camp, great happenings have occurred, but I believe the 20th year marks an era that will cause the past to pale in comparison. The times in which we live demand it. We are going for it! I pray you will join us by getting your young people and yourself into the anointed atmosphere of Camp Tribe this summer! [Click the Camp Tribe box above for more info.]
We are also needing adults, businesses, churches, etc. who will catch the vision and become TRIBE Ambassadors helping us make up the difference between the registration fees (we keep them ridiculously low for all we offer) and the total expenses! To partner with Camp Tribe click HERE.  Thank you for your generosity!

We are raising up the 21st-century JESUS TRIBE!