“WAKE UP!” Stop it with the snooze button! The last thing our generation needs now is a sleeping church. It is time to “Prepare for war! Wake up the mighty….” [Joel 3:9] This generation waits in desperate need of the awakening of the mighty men and women of God! On every hand we see society collapsing. Real family values are crumbling, and perversion is extolled as virtuous. The nations of this world are in trouble. We are living in the time of Isaiah’s prophecy, “For behold the darkness shall cover the earth and deep darkness the people…” (See Isaiah 60:1-3) The Apostle Paul spoke of these days, “But understand this, that in the last days will come (set in) perilous times of great stress and trouble [hard to deal with and hard to bear].” (2 Timothy 3:1 AMPC) The days are fierce and becoming fiercer. Violence is the “go to” now for those who do not get what they want. Rioting is becoming the new normal with loud demanding voices drowning out the voice of wisdom. These are indeed times of great stress; hard to deal with and hard to bear. Yet in these increasingly dark days, there is hope.
[bctt tweet=”This generation waits in desperate need of the awakening of the mighty men and women of God! ” username=”@KeithNix”]
The AWAKENING is here.
There is a remnant that will display the glory of God in this generation! The shaking of the economic, political, educational, social and religious systems of the last few years is serving to wake us out of slumber. The Lord is increasing HIS light of revelation in us to help us shake ourselves, get up and move into the fullness of destiny. He declares, “Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.” [Isaiah 60:1] He raises His powerful voice to shake, to divide, to break, and to cause to give birth. “The God of glory thunders…the voice of the Lord is powerful…” [See Psalm 29]
His chosen respond, “Yes Lord!” Like the young daughter of Jairus, this generation is responding to the voice of Jesus and awakening from the sleep of death. We are awakening to a greater understanding of who He is and who we are in Him. This awakening is not just about personal freedom and prosperity but to usefulness in the plan of God to be a conduit of His blessing to others.
[bctt tweet=”This summer’s Camp Tribe will be a powerful witness to the current move of God” username=”@KeithNix”]
America and the nations of the earth are about to hear the clear roar of Judah’s Lion through His chosen vessels. “Let God arise, Let His enemies be scattered; Let those who hate Him flee before Him.” (Psalm 68:1) This summer’s Camp Tribe will be a powerful witness to the current move of God. YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS this opportunity! GET your youth registered today! All who come to this year’s camp will receive something powerful from the Lord. Testimonies will abound! The awakening is here, and Camp Tribe is part of what God is doing in these days! The JOSIAH TRIBE is awakening!
There is still time to get registered! Whatever it takes – make it happen and let’s see what God will do!
Click here for more information:
Would You Please Consider Helping Us Help This Generation?
Keith Nix is the founding lead pastor of a thriving congregation, The Lift Church in Sevierville, Tennessee. [Visit] He has traveled internationally since 1993 carrying a unique prophetic message of awakening to this generation. He and his wife, Margie, have one daughter, Isabella.