It’s Been A Few Years

I was 19 years old and beginning a new adventure as a fresh employee of a Christian bookstore in Asheville, NC. I had no idea that I would spend eight years and have the honor of rising to general manager of such a great business. They were eight great years indeed!

I’ve since gone on to get a few academic degrees but my time at the bookstore provided me some of the most important education of my life. I learned much about working under authority, and with a team. I also learned important lessons about leading.  I am forever indebted to my team of co-workers for their patience with me and for all they taught me.

Probably, the greatest lesson I learned while there is that Jesus is so much larger than my cultural understanding of Him. God was already breaking down walls in my understanding before I arrived at the store but it was there, in that environment, where He demolished those walls and greatly expanded my heart.

My upbringing was awesome but limited. Growing up, I had little interaction with Christians of differing styles. So, without realizing it, I put God in a religious box. Jesus looked more like me and those around me than anyone else.

Christians, Not Like Me?

In the bookstore, I got to interact regularly with Christians from a myriad of denominations and from non-denominational churches. Soon, I realized that there were true Jesus followers who didn’t see everything the way I saw it. Wow! I was genuinely surprised by the genuineness of so many who didn’t believe or behave as I thought they should. Understand that I’m not referencing issues where Scripture is absolutely clear when I say believe or behave. I’m talking about the non-essentials areas that too many in the Church make essential i.e. personal styles, music preferences, teaching versus preaching, and so much more.

The Lord gave me a revelation those many years ago that grew in me and continues to grow: He isn’t coming back for a church that looks like me. He is returning for His church that will look like Him. Romans 8:29 became my motto: “For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.” It is still my habit to sign my signature with a “Ro. 8:29” tag.

[bctt tweet=”God isn’t a Southerner or a Yankee. He isn’t a city-slicker or a hillbilly. Jesus isn’t even American.” username=”KeithNixTV”]

The Goal is the Authentic Jesus

I’ve now preached and taught this revelation for thirty plus years. Sadly, it alienated some from me along the way. Those who didn’t understand my point and didn’t hear my heart. Some can’t get past me saying, “God is not a southerner.” “He likes music other than Southern Gospel music.” Others stumble when I say, “God likes southern gospel. He isn’t just into modern contemporary praise and worship music.” Others, think God prefers three-piece business suits and dresses, while still others say He is more of a blue jean kind of God. If they are legalistic about their view, neither like it when I say, He is not either/or but both/and!

Come on! God isn’t a Southerner or a Yankee. He isn’t a city-slicker or a hillbilly. Jesus isn’t even American. He isn’t white, or black. He’s not Hispanic or Asian. He is God. He is holy. He is above all. He is greater than all.

Jesus Doesn’t Need Help Being Relevant

Ministering to youth for twenty-five plus years, I realized each generation needs to realize that Jesus doesn’t need any help being relevant! Relevance is a buzz word and a big deal in the modern church and it isn’t all bad. It is good to update our look but it is always a huge mistake wehn we attempt to update His look. You can’t update the eternal! He is wonderful for each situation and each generation.

The goal of the Christian life is not to get to people to look like us or just to get them to heaven. The goal of the Christian life is to be like Jesus. I love what Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 3:18, “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.”

Jesus is the goal! So, let’s take Him as He is and let Him change us into His image!

[bctt tweet=”He isn’t coming back for a church that looks like me. His church will look like Him.” username=”KeithNixTV”]

Read This Book

Some have encouraged me to write on this subject and I may one day. For now let me recommend a book from one of our spiritual sons, Caleb Pierce. Caleb has traveled with me and heard me preach these truths in various settings for the past six years. In the process, he caught it! He so caught the revelation that it also became his. In, Jesus Isn’t a Hipster, Caleb communicates this revelation  in his own unique way. All ages will benefit greatly from the book, especially Millenials and the upcoming Generation Zs. I encourage you to get your copy today!  Order from the link below and in addition to getting the book, you can help further the mission of KNM and The Lift!