Forge – Get Sharp!

Forge – Get Sharp!

Sharpen The Axe Abraham Lincoln once said, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening my ax.” It’s time for men to rise up, get sharp, and cut down the hinderances before us. We must address the barriers between...
Keys to Prevailing Prayer

Keys to Prevailing Prayer

The Power of Prayer It’s quite amazing that the disciples are never recorded asking Jesus to show them how to do miracles. They didn’t ask for Him to teach them how to make the blind see, the deaf to hear, the mute talk or the lame walk. They didn’t say, “Teach...
The Fast God Blesses

The Fast God Blesses

Physical Actions Release Spiritual Blessings Fasting. Just the mention of the word can release a growl out of your belly. Seriously. You can finish a meal stuffed but if you know that you are going to be fasting the next day – immediately feel hunger pains. I...
Worship While You Fast

Worship While You Fast

Worship & Fasting When we think of fasting, it is usually only in regard to what we need to receive from the Lord. And it is true that fasting moves us to the place where we can receive what God desires to release. But fasting should be more than just us doing...
Why Fast?

Why Fast?

A THREEFOLD CORD Why fast? Is it a requirement? Will it be beneficial? Is it an antiquated practice that is no longer valid for Christians? Many today believe that fasting is a religious work that only speaks of bondage since Jesus finished the work at Calvary, and is...