This is war. There is an all-out, full-fledged attack on this generation of young men and women. The reality is that without a genuine awakening to truth and the Holy Spirit, statistics predict that a mere four percent of those born after 1984 will identify as born-again believers. Can you imagine the day when only four percent of Americans are born-again?

Think about it. For years, Hollywood has shaped culture with morally corrupt movies and television programs. This generation’s patterns of thought are increasingly being molded by developed by perverted music, a pornographic invasion on the internet, the legalization of homosexual marriage, the removal of the Ten Commandments from public buildings, and an attempt to take “under God” out of the Pledge of Allegiance. Christianity is indeed under attack in the United States and around the world.

These shapers of our modern culture are, for the most part, motivated by the spirit of anti-Christ. It seems obvious to the discerning observer that there is a concerted effort in America to silence voices of truth. We are now living in the time when many call “evil good and good evil: who exchange darkness for light, and light for darkness; who exchange bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.” [Isaiah 5:20]

Indeed, we are living in the days when the Holy Spirit predicted, “Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall…” [Isaiah 40:30] We see it all around us; our culture is worn out. They are weary in their minds. When people become fatigued, they yield more readily to the influence of the culture. Too many young men and women live without purpose, with very little understanding of the value of life, and with souls that are increasingly desensitized to sin.


Why is the enemy fighting for our children so ferociously? I am convinced that it is because the prophecies concerning this generation terrify him. Haggai declared, “The glory of this latter house will be greater than the former, says the LORD of Hosts.” [Hag. 2:9}  This prophecy was fulfilled when Jesus entered the Temple, but, I believe, it will find its ultimate fulfillment as Jesus manifests in this generation. There are many confirming prophetic words expressing God’s desire to display His glory in and through the generation that will herald the return of the Lord! The enemy knows that God will fulfill His promises! It is just a matter of time.

[bctt tweet=”Why is the enemy fighting for our children so ferociously? It is because the prophecies concerning this generation terrify him.” username=”@keithnix”]

Now, the devil doesn’t know everything about the future. For example, look at Job. Satan predicted that Job would curse God, but he was wrong about Job. Instead of cursing God when the circumstances got terrible, Job continued to praise the Lord. [See Job 1:11, 21-22] Hallelujah! He was wrong about Job, and He’s wrong about you too!

While the enemy does not know all there is to know about the future, he is a spiritual being and as such is aware of things happening in the spiritual realm. He is mindful of the fact that the spotlight of Heaven is upon this generation! The devil is aware that God is in the process of raising a tribe of Josiah’s that will shake the nations and shape their world to the glory of God! So, he is consistently strategizing in an attempt to win this war.


Therefore, you and I must fight! We fight the good fight of faith for this generation that the enemy is fighting so hard. How? First, we must combat the devil’s ideas with the truth. There is a generation that is hungry deep in their souls for authenticity. [John 8:31-32] Secondly, we must confront the weariness that is invading our youth like cancer with the joy of the LORD. [Nehemiah 8:10] Thirdly, we challenge the purposelessness that produces hopeless living with the prophetic declaration of the plan of God for each life. [Jeremiah 29:11, Ephesians 2:10]

To put it simply, we must make Jesus famous in this generation! Not the Jesus of the world’s design or the Jesus created in the image of religious men and women. No! They are hungry for the real authentic Jesus of the Bible. He loves children, and He longs to release every boy and girl into the fullness of His design.

[bctt tweet=”We must make Jesus famous in this generation!” username=”@KeithNix”]

I am calling on you to join us in turning the tide of the predicted statistic. We declare that it will not be a pitiful number of four percent who genuinely know Jesus in this upcoming generation. NO! We maintain that this generation will be saved! The JESUS Awakening is beginning! We win the war!

JOIN us in getting your young people to Camp Tribe this year! JULY 9-13 It will be life-changing for them! Click here for all the information: or call 865.773.0488

And please pray about joining us in becoming a Tribe Ambassador to partner with us in doing our part in the Awakening!