Need A Breakthrough?
I know that we are each facing some areas in our lives where we need a breakthrough! We are looking for breakthroughs spiritually, relationally, physically, financially and in almost any other imaginable arena. And we believe that God is moving on our behalf! We know that our Heavenly Father loves us and desires the best for us.
But what is it that we need? Is there one thing that should be our greatest priority? What should occupy the primary focus of our prayers? It is quite obvious, isn’t it? Jesus says it best in Matthew 6:33, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”
[bctt tweet=”God doesn’t have any trouble getting stuff to us. His challenge is for us to get in the right position where we can receive it.” username=”@KeithNix”]
God doesn’t have any trouble getting stuff to us. His challenge is for us to get in the right position where we can receive it. For some crazy reason, God seems to have this idea that He should be first! Maybe it comes from the fact that He is the creator. He is the originator of all that blesses. We were created in His image and designed to live in His presence and enjoy His plan. [See Gen. 1:26-28, Ps. 16:11, Jer. 29:11] Scripture makes it very clear that as a Father, His ultimate desire for His children is that we live in His best. His best is only possible where He is first!
[bctt tweet=”For some crazy reason, God seems to have this idea that He should be first!” username=”@KeithNix”]
More than anything else that we seek, long for or desire what we need is Him! We need the King! It is evident. Isn’t it? I know that it seems a bit churchy. It seems religious, but it is the key to living life the way God intends it. When we truly seek the kingdom of God, we get the King. When we get HIs kingdom and his way of being and doing right then everything else we need will naturally follow.
We Want Him!
We desire more than the anointing, more than the supernatural, more than prosperity, more than principles to live by, more than miracles and blessings. In Exodus 33, Moses asks for more! He asks for more than the miracles he had experienced, more than the prosperity they left Egypt with and more than the health they were enjoying. He asks to see the Lord! “Please, show me Your glory!” (Ex. 33:18) God understands Moses’ request and replies, “I will make all My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before you.” But He said, “You cannot see My face…” (Ex. 33:19-20)
Moses was asking for Him! In fact, He had already stood before the Lord and told Him that an angel wasn’t enough. He had the boldness to tell God, “If your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here.” Who talks to God this way? Someone who wants Him more than they want HIS miracles or blessing. A man whose priorities are right! A person in whom God delights and manifest grace and glory in them and for them. And to this man comes breakthrough!
[bctt tweet=”Who talks to God this way? Someone who wants Him more than they want HIs miracles or blessing.” username=”@KeithNix”]
I encourage you to do whatever you must do to put Jesus first and keep Him first in your life. A few practical steps include daily Bible reading, prayer, worship, listening to the preached and taught word on a daily basis, and consistent attendance in a Word-based Spirit-filled church. Be intentional about Jesus first, and you will naturally live life God’s way!
Keith Nix is the founding lead pastor of a thriving congregation, The Lift Church in Sevierville, Tennessee. [Visit] He has traveled internationally since 1993 carrying a unique prophetic message of awakening to this generation. He and his wife, Margie, have one daughter, Isabella.