Camp Tribe 2019
I love preaching at youth camps, especially Camp Tribe! In twenty-two years, it never gets old. Given the right environment, young people can handle the straight truth of God’s word better than most adults. In a quarter-century of ministry to youth, I know that when the bar is raised they rise to it. Almost all of them hunger for more than they are experiencing and far more than they typically receive in the average American church. They desire to live as, “The Awakened!”
This year Camp Tribe was over the top! I mean it! God moved in amazing ways as hundreds sought Him with hungry hearts and cried out for awakening! On my night to bring the word, I brought one of the strongest messages I’ve ever preached to young people, History Belongs to the Awakened. I don’t know if most adults can receive it. But those young men and women did!
The Awakened
And, the Lord led me to make the call with no music, no hype, and as little emotion as possible. I made a strong call, encouraging those who weren’t serious to please stay in their seats and not pretend. Yet, even with my strong words, they came. By the hundreds, they responded. ALL responded! They opened the doors of their hearts in response to His knock. They said, “Yes, Lord.” Then, they surrendered. It was a decisive moment, not an emotional one. And God responded powerfully to them.
For instance, read this testimony from a seventeen-year-old who encountered Christ that night:
Do you see what I mean? This young lady, along with hundreds of others, responded to the call of Christ and He honored their response with a genuine encounter of the God-kind! The Josiah generation is on the rise! The days of awakening are here! History belongs to the awakened!
I invite you to take some time and listen to the message I preached to this generation! I believe it will be a challenge and a blessing to you! First, take three minutes and watch my remarks at the end of the night as I encouraged those who responded.
What a Generation:
Watch the message, HISTORY BELONGS TO THE AWAKENED, here:
[bctt tweet=”History belongs to the AWAKENED! #Tribe #KNM #TheLift ” username=”KeithNixTV”]
Keith Nix is the founding lead pastor of a thriving congregation, The Lift Church in Sevierville, Tennessee. [Visit] He has traveled internationally since 1993 carrying a unique prophetic message of awakening to this generation. He and his wife, Margie, have one daughter, Isabella.