
Benjamin Franklin once said, “One day, today, is worth two tomorrows.” Perhaps He had Paul’s words to the Church in mind; “Besides this, you know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed.” [Ro. 13:11 ESV] Hopefully tomorrow is coming for us all, but we definitely have today! So then, what are we going to do today? We cannot afford to sleep through our God-given opportunities. It is time for the Church to awake and make a difference in our world for Jesus!

[bctt tweet=”Benjamin Franklin once said, “One day, today, is worth two tomorrows.” ” username=”@KeithNix”]


World changers are dreamers. They see it on the inside before it ever becomes their reality on the outside. Vision is key to living a life of impact.  Solomon wrote, “Where there is no vision, the people perish:” [Prov. 29:18] Joseph certainly understood this truth. Remember how God gave Joseph dreams about his future?  If you know the story, then you know that these dreams sustained Joseph through the tough days he endured. [See Gen. 37 – 41] What about Moses? The writer of Hebrews says it this way, “…for he looked to the reward.  By faith….he (Moses) endured as seeing Him who is invisible.” [Heb. 11:26-27]

[bctt tweet=”Vision is key to living a life of impact” username=”@KeithNix”]

The writer tells us the heroes of faith “died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of them, embraced them…” [Hebrews 11:13] If we hope to make a Kingdom impact in our time, we must also be people of vision. We dare to dream the dreams that God gives us. Not just “small” dreams either. God is looking for men and women who will dare to dream the impossible and trust that if it is His will, “all things are possible to him that believes.” [Mark 9:23]


Vision is the birthing place for great accomplishments. But it takes more than dreams to accomplish great things. True world changers are dreamers who do!  Faith puts into action what it imagines! Faith seizes the opportunities of today and if no opportunities are available: faith in God creates them! It is never passive, faith always acts. [See James 2:18]

So while dreaming is necessary to accomplish anything great, John Mason says it powerfully, “To only dream of the person you want to be is to waste the person you are.” We cannot afford to waste the moment we hold in our grasp while waiting for something better. Seize today!  Scripture says, “This is the day which the Lord has made;” (Ps. 118:24) Yesterday can be a great teacher, tomorrow can be a great motivator, but today is the great opportunity. What you and I do right now in obedience is of far greater value than all of tomorrows plans!

[bctt tweet=”Yesterday can be a great teacher, tomorrow can be a great motivator, but today is the great opportunity. ” username=”@KeithNix”]

So keep dreaming! But remember dreams never come true if we don’t do today all that is necessary. Make today count in every way possible. And if you fail, trust the grace of God to touch your surrender and your effort and make up the difference! Let’s pray what Moses prayed, “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” [Psalm 90:12]  Today is valuable! Don’t miss it.

[bctt tweet=”Remember, tomorrow’s dreams will never happen if we don’t do all we can do today.” username=”@KeithNix”]