Camp Tribe – July 8 – 12

It is almost here – the reason they dismiss school for the summer: CAMP TRIBE! Camp is one week of friends, fun, and Holy Spirit fire! It really changes lives. A difference is made. Eternal seed is planted, watered and harvested during this week and in time to come.

The need for a camp like ours is greater now than at any other time in our history. We cannot, we will not, we dare not fail to reach this generation with the truth and the power of Jesus Christ! Camp and conferences aren’t just something we want to do; these God-ordained events are something we must do! God has assembled around us a fantastic team of both seasoned leaders and gifted upcoming leaders to influence and impact this generation. I stand in awe each year.

[bctt tweet=” Youth camp and conferences aren’t just something we want to do; we must do them!” username=”@KeithNix”]

Why Tribe?

Acts 4 records the story of two early leaders in the church whom the religious leaders threatened to imprison and beat if they continued to preach in the Name of Jesus. After the attempt of intimidation, the disciples returned to their “own.” Some translators say “own company”, others “own companions”, “own people” and others, “own friends.” From my study, I believe it could easily read, “own tribe.” They returned to their tribe. 

In a divisive world where there are so many things that divide and separate us, the JOSIAH TRIBE is coming together. This is our company! We consist of different races, but we all value relationship. The Tribe is different genders, but we all worship the same and only true God. We are not all the same in styles or preferences, but we all share the same purpose. Members are not all of the same denomination, but we all share the same desire and destiny. This is the Josiah Tribe – chosen by God to lead a great awakening in our generation. Not satisfied with the status quo in the world or the church, we embrace our call as reformers, restorers, and revivalists. Our heart is to raise up a 21st-century JESUS TRIBE!

A New Era For Tribe

In the previous years of camp, great miracles manifested, but what God is going to reveal and release in this era will cause the past to pale in comparison. The times in which we live demand it. We are going for it! I pray you will join us by getting your young people and yourself into the anointed atmosphere of Camp this summer!

It takes teamwork to make this dream work! We need adults, businesses, churches, etc. who will catch the vision to volunteer and/or become TRIBE Ambassadors. Ambassadors help us make up the difference between the registration fees (we keep them ridiculously low for all we offer) and the total expenses! To partner with us and help the hundreds of young people who will attend this year’s Camp click HERE.  Thank you for your generosity!

Camp Tribe 19 – #Woke