Stretch Your Stuff

Stretch Your Stuff

STRETCH OR STRUT? He tries to control the tremor that runs through His body. Sweat beads on his forehead and drips down his nose hitting the stone pavement with a pop. He adjusts his robe wishing he paid more attention when dressing earlier. All eyes are on him and...
Change?! Really?

Change?! Really?

Do I Have To? “Really? Do I have to change? But I don’t like to change. It makes me uncomfortable and uneasy and _____.”  You fill in the blank.  The answer is “Yes.” Change is inevitable! Sadly, many view it as something to fear or hate; spending much of...
Yes, WE Can! Yes, WE Will!

Yes, WE Can! Yes, WE Will!

The Bishop stepped to the podium with a determined stride. It was evident to all in the building that something had stirred him and they were about to hear it. With a scowl on his face, Bishop Wright, in holy indignation, boldly rebuked the College President who had...
The Glory of Change

The Glory of Change

What is so special about a caterpillar?  Think about it. No one really likes caterpillars. Have you ever heard a little girl exclaim, “Oh, Momma, look at the beautiful little caterpillar?”  Have you ever purchased a caterpillar calendar?  What about a caterpillar...
When “Sorry” Isn’t Enough!

When “Sorry” Isn’t Enough!

“One thing you lack…” Just one thing; just one area you need to get right. Would you like to have the weak areas of life reduced to just “one thing” in the eyes of the One who sees all? What a relief it must have been for the young leader...