Nothing Catches God By Surprise

Nothing Catches God By Surprise

Nothing catches God by surprise.  Nothing! Not even our weaknesses, failures and bad choices.  Nothing the enemy is strategizing against us now is going to catch God unaware.  He knows!  He’s seen it all in advance.   He’s ready for it!  He’s determined that you are...
Running With Horses

Running With Horses

A Gentle Rebuke Are you growing weary? Do you feel exhausted mentally, emotionally, physically? If so, you are not alone. All of us experience it at times. In fact, it is a primary tactic of the enemy. He seeks every way possible to wear us down and wear us out. His...
You Will Reap!

You Will Reap!

Are you into gardening? I’m certainly not. But I remember some large gardens my parents and grandparents planted when I was in middle school. At that age, I found it fun to join in and lend a helping hand. I was probably more in the way than helpful but I’m glad...