God With Us!

God With Us!

All is lost. And yet, A bruised reed, He will not break. The light is gone. And yet, A smoking lamp, He will not snuff out. Hope is given. A Promise is spoken. Woven into the skins that cover us, A glimmer of light, A glimpse forward. Restoration foretold. The Seed...
SKIN: Emmanuel

SKIN: Emmanuel

The Light was gone! Vanished. Life went with it, What remained was but a shadow! I could see the difference in her eyes, once vibrant with light and life, now clouded over with doubt and fear. Fear, What a strange and horrible feeling. Dread, Even of the One, we call...
Skin: God in Flesh

Skin: God in Flesh

Plunged into death. No way out, Hopeless, Sentenced to hard labor, Hard lives, Pain-filled days, Terror-filled nights, Too much, too much!    Now numb. Learning to pretend all is well, Desperately trying to forget the pain, Seeking comfort in darkness, An uneasy truce...