Thousands are losing Jesus in the very place they should find Him. It is estimated that 70 percent of churched young people leave church after the age of 18, with only 35 percent returning *(  These are just the numbers for the young, what about those older who are also dropping out?  This is a serious issue facing our generation!

It could be argued that the first people to lose Jesus in church were Joseph and Mary.  When Jesus was twelve years old they went to Jerusalem for the feast. This was a yearly trip for them, and the Bible says that when the feast was over they traveled back to Nazareth assuming that Jesus was with them in the crowd of family and fellow travelers.  They went a full day’s journey before realizing that Jesus wasn’t with them.  They had left him behind in Jerusalem.

They immediately turned back and began the search. And although they had only traveled one day away from Him, it took them twice as long to find Him. They found Him in the temple, the recognized house of worship. When they questioned Jesus with concern and perhaps a bit of aggravation (as parents are apt to do when anxious about their children,) His answer is one of gentle rebuke, “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” (See Luke 2:41-50) In essence he was saying to them that they should have known where to find Him. He would be in His Father’s house and doing His Father’s work.

If Joseph and Mary can lose Jesus in church isn’t it possible that we can too? The sad truth is that multiplied thousands have lost Jesus in church. Some, like Joseph and Mary, go on their journey supposing that they are on His path when they really aren’t.  Others like the religious leaders and learned people in the Temple marvel at His wisdom but never come to know Him.

[bctt tweet=”Multiplied thousands have lost Jesus in church.” username=”@KeithNix”]

How can we be certain not to lose the true Jesus in church?

  1. We must be careful that formulas and tradition never replace the reality of His powerful presence. 2 Timothy 3:5
  2. We must love the truth (even when it makes us miserable, it will still make us free!) 2 Thessalonians 2:10
  3. We must keep His kingdom and our being in right standing with Him the highest priority of our lives. Matthew 6:33
  4. We must keep His final words before ascending into Heaven the primary focus of all we do in ministry. Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 16:15-18, Acts 1:4-8
  5. We must know and believe the love He has for us. I John 4:16
  6. We must keep the flame of His spirit burning brightly in our own hearts. 2 Timothy 1:6
  7. Above all we must love God with all we are and loving others like we love ourselves. Matthew 22:36-40

While this list is certainly not exhaustive, I hope I have gotten you to think.  Our generation desperately needs to see Jesus:  the living, loving Savior King who is the Great I Am! We must help our young people and every age distinguish between the junk sometimes so evident in our churches, and Jesus who is busy doing the work of the kingdom in all who believe and yield to Him.  Let’s do all we can to lift Jesus high, to get preachers, singers, musicians, organizations, etc. out of the way, and lead people to Him. When people genuinely meet Jesus their lives can never be the same!

[bctt tweet=”When people genuinely meet Jesus their lives can never be the same.” username=”@KeithNix”]