All is lost.
And yet,
A bruised reed,
He will not break.

The light is gone.
And yet,
A smoking lamp,
He will not snuff out.

Hope is given.
A Promise is spoken.

Woven into the skins that cover us,
A glimmer of light,
A glimpse forward.

Restoration foretold.
The Seed
Will prevail!

The Redeemer (Ga’al)
Will pay the ransom price.

Abraham’s descendant,
David’s Son,
Israel’s Hope,
The Suffering Servant,
The King of Kings.

A Sign is given.
Impossibility made possible.
Miracle of miracles.
A virgin conceives.

The Baby belongs to Yahweh.
The Child is Yahweh.
God in skin!

Silence is shattered.
The Babe cries
The roar of a conquering King.

The beginning is humble
Seemingly weak
Almost fragile

And yet,
All will be made NEW!

The lost is found,
Paradise restored,
The GLORY returned,
HE has come!

His coming is not as we imagined,
The Word among us,
The Word one of us,
Immanuel – God With Us!