Don’t Underestimate Prayer

Don’t Underestimate Prayer

I recently did a television interview with Philip Cameron that was a great blessing to me personally. It was great to meet Philip and serving his vision was truly an honor. The anointing flowed during our time together, and we were both blessed along with the...
Keep Going!

Keep Going!

Champions To say we are living in challenging times seems quite the understatement. In our lifetime, we’ve never witnessed times like these. The intensity of our times seems to us as unparalleled in history. Of course, we’ve only lived in our lifetime and a perusal of...
Roots Matter!

Roots Matter!

TO PARTICIPATE OR NOT TO PARTICIPATE The debate rises again every year at this time among sincere Believers. What do we do with Halloween? Some say that regardless of its past, in the twenty-first century it is a harmless time of fun for children. Others point to the...
You Will Reap!

You Will Reap!

Are you into gardening? I’m certainly not. But I remember some large gardens my parents and grandparents planted when I was in middle school. At that age, I found it fun to join in and lend a helping hand. I was probably more in the way than helpful but I’m glad...
Three Keys To Thriving During The End Times

Three Keys To Thriving During The End Times

HOW CLOSE ARE WE? Almost two thousand years ago, the Apostle Peter wrote, “The end of all things is at hand…” [See I Peter 4:7] If the Holy Spirit moved him then to say the end was close, by now we must surely be very close. Of course, what we all...